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Select Board Meeting Minutes 3/9/15
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 3/9/15

Meeting Opened at: 4:15pm
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson, Scott Jenssen and Kenn Basler

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  David Irland for the Monterey News, Mickey Jervas, Don Clawson, Stanley Ross, Mark Makuc, Muriel and Bob Lazzarini and Shawn Tryon

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Draft of suggested language for approving bonds for a broadband project from MBI.
b.  Request from the Monterey Church for $10,000 to help with necessary repairs.  The Board has a DOR response to another town on a similar matter that states that such appropriations are hard to justify under the Anti-aid amendment (Art. 18, 46 &103, which prohibits public funds or property from being given to charitable, educational, religious or other private organizations, no matter how worthy, but is going to request an opinion specifically for Monterey’s situation.
c.  Request from the Kameron Spaulding of the Berkshire Record for information on the latest open and closed session meeting and where the issues regarding the police department stand.
d.  Memo from Sergeant Johnson notifying the Board that he used the transfer station for official business during non-business hours.
e.  Reminder from the SBETC that they need our Memorandum of Understanding.  Maryellen Brown, Chair of the Council on Aging has taken care of this and no action is required by the Board.
2.  The minutes from 3/2/15 were approved as written.
3.  Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
4.  Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
5.  The Board signed additional paperwork necessary to join the Colonial Power Group energy aggregation contract.
6.  Warrants were signed.

The board met with the Finance Committee to review the following with regards to the FY16 budget:
1.  Mickey Jervas and Mark Makuc came in at the request of the Board to discuss the library’s request to increase the Library Director’s position to 20 hours a week which would entitle this position to insurance and retiree benefits.  Mark has stated that he is not interested in health insurance and would waive his right to that but will be joining the Berkshire Retirement System which will cost the town more money (7% of the positions salary).  It was noted that while Mark may waive the option to take the insurance if someone else were to take the position for whatever reason that person may choose to take the benefit.  The trustees stated they would reevaluate the position and hours necessary and any benefits that may go along with the position (although it was noted that 20 hours would still be necessary) should Mark leave.  The Board stated that they are looking deeper into this proposal as it will affect the town long range; the Board respects the Library Trustees decision but felt it was necessary to talk it out further.  It was agreed to allow the proposal to remain as is.
2.  The final numbers have been received from the school and our share has increased by $221,560 (17.47%).  Wayne attended the budget meeting last Thursday and the reason we didn’t have much of a head’s up on such a substantial increase was because the school had just received the Governor’s budget numbers.  It was noted that Monterey’s enrollment increased which plays a part in the formula for calculating our share.
3.  Current expense reports were reviewed.
4.  With the current figures that are proposed and that have been cut as much as possible it was discussed that there may be a need for an override either this year or next (the last one was 10 years ago at the 2006 annual town meeting), especially considering the additional loan payments that will come due in FY17 (school bond, truck approved at Feb Special Town Meeting and a potential new transfer station).  Kenn felt that proposing an override this year wouldn’t be the best decision as we haven’t had enough time to educate the taxpayers on why it would be necessary.  It was agreed to wait until FY17 to propose an override so that the Board and Finance Committee have a full year to research and educate.
5.  It was discussed whether any stabilization funds should be used for purchases on this year’s budget or if it should be saved to use for the fire truck that will need to be replaced next year (FY17).
6.  Per Don; The recommendation from the State with regards to free cash is to maintain a balance of a minimum of 10% of the town’s valuation (approximately $50,000).  Under the circumstances the Finance Committee would agree to use $170,000 of free cash to reduce the tax levy leaving $150,000 in free cash for unforeseen circumstances.  It was agreed to use $170,000 to reduce the tax levy.
7.  It was suggested to level fund the tree warden’s expense budget and level fund the salt and sand account as this is the one budget item that you are legally allowed to go over on.
8.  Shawn stated that there we are still actively receiving back orders of salt that have not been paid for yet and he’s hoping to come in close to his projected budget or a little over.
9.  The Board discussed potential cost of living increases for all employees and elected officials; right now there is a 2% proposed increase across the Board.
10.  The Finance Committee was asked their opinion with how our Accountant and Treasurer were doing and Don felt that they were making progress but neither of them are putting in the hours necessary in his opinion.  Kenn felt that there needed to be more emphasis on the jobs to be done here by both parties.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 6:30pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk

Documents received at this meeting:
1.  MBIDraftdocuments
2.  DORopinion
3.  K. Spauldingemailreq
4.  SgtMemo
5.  SBETCreminder
These are attached to the hard copy of the minutes located at town hall.